Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Topical Index: Representations: Art: 20th Century:
Representations: Art: »Ana Mendieta (November 18, 1948 September 8, 1985) was a Cuban-American performance artist, sculptor, painter, and video artist who is best known for her "earth-body" artwork. She is considered one of the most influential Cuban-American artists of the post World War II era. Born in Havana, Cuba, Mendieta left for the United States in 1961.« -- More information: Wikipedia Rape Scene »In 1973, Mendieta performed Rape Scene, which commented on the rape and murder of a fellow student that had been committed on the University of Iowa campus by another student. In the performance, Mendieta invited friends and other students to visit her in her Moffit Street apartment. Upon arriving at her apartment, viewers were confronted with the image of Mendieta, naked from the waist down, smeared with blood, bent over, and bound to a table. Mendieta recalls that after encountering her body, her audience "all sat down, and started talking about it. I didn t move. I stayed in position about an hour. It really jolted them" The interaction between the people who stayed to observe and talk about her work (rape scene) and the artist herself (Ana Mendieta) was a means of processing the actual crime that had occurred at the University of Iowa.« -- More information: Wikipedia I. Chronological Index: Modern History: 20th Century | II. Geographical Index: American History: U.S. History | III. Topical Index: Types: General: Rape I. Author Index [Info] Fazeka , Ana »(Auto)Biography of Hurt: Representation and Representability of Rape in Feminist Performance Art.« [sic] 8 (2017). [Info] Kane, Nina R. The Treatment of Rape in Women's Performance Art and Sarah Kane's Blasted. Masters Thesis, University of Huddersfield, 2008. [Info] Perry, Lara, et al. »Against Sexual Violence in the Museum: Art, Curating, and Activism.« Journal of Cultural Analysis and Social Change 7(2) (2022). [Info] White, Bryony. »Returning to the scene of the crime: gendered and racialized violence in Ana Mendieta’s Rape Scene.« Art Journal 82 (2023): 68-81. II. Speaker Index [Info] Trnka-MacGillivray, Alexandra. »Intimate Frames: Depictions of Gendered Violence in Ana Mendieta’s 1973 Performance Art.« 51st Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association. Boston 2020. |